Quality policy
Kemía is an import company that specializes in the sale of equipment and products for research and industry and related services. We carefully select manufacturers and aim to offer only quality products from leading manufacturers in each field.
Kemía's salespeople must have a university education in the field of science and engineering and be able to provide professional advice on the use of the product. We strive to offer high quality products and to provide our customers with first class service. Our quality policy must be constantly reviewed with the aim of fulfilling our customers' wishes in every respect.
Safety and health policy
The safety and health of Kemía's employees is very important to the company. The company attaches great importance to all employees having healthy and pleasant working conditions. Kemía provides its employees, as far as possible, with all the necessary equipment and facilities to ensure their safety and health in the workplace. It is important that all employees are aware of safety issues and the necessary preventive measures
Environmental policy
Kemía is in favor of nature conservation and the rational use of natural resources and works to promote environmental awareness among employees. In our operations, we use resources sparingly and take environmental considerations into account when purchasing inputs. We focus on reusing and recycling and disposing of waste with as little environmental impact as possible.