
Ph measurements-Chromatography-Titration

pH meter

Automatic CVS

Eco Titrando

Metrohm was established in 1943 in Hersau, Switzerland and was quickly a leading member in the development of chemical analyzers within electrochemistry. The founder of Metrohm wanted to ensure that the company could continue its work independently and would not be bought by banks or influenced by investors which would not agree with his philosophy. With this fundamental principle, his intention was to always strive for the newest technologies and to focus on only the best for their clients, employees, and home country. He created a fund and gave his employees and his country of Switzerland the company, with the intention of ensuring its independence. Today, its employees have continued with this principle and have made sure that their work environment and their customers can continue to use the latest technology which Methrom and its research have provided. Metrohm has thrived within its market and is a recognized leader in the production of accurate measuring instruments for chemical analysis.


Kemia's sales team can answer any and all questions about Metrohm's products.